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RCS CBA addresses Town of Coeymans

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

Asks for cooperation with Village on economic development initiatives

On the heels of its business breakfast where collaboration and cooperation were earmarked as critical to reach community development goals, RCS CBA was on the agenda for the Town of Coeymans Board Meeting that evening, Thursday, 9/23, seeking the very same.

As part of its 2021 strategic goals, RCS CBA hopes to build relationships with the Village and Town and partner with both for work on economic development projects. At the meeting with the Town, RCS CBA board members discussed how working in unity can help the community secure more economic development grants. The Town Board, RCS CBA and Village of Ravena Deputy Mayor Nancy Warner, who also attended the meeting, dispelled rumors of village dissolution, spent time discussing how to get truck traffic off Main Street and much more. Watch RCS CBA in action at the meeting (advance to minute 47.5).

In an email to RCS CBA the following morning, Town Supervisor McHugh said, "Thank you and the RCS CBA board members for attending our Town Board meeting last night. The Council and I felt that it was a productive meeting and certainly a step in the right direction towards working together as a community."

RCS CBA is working to schedule a meeting with the Town, Village, and their respective grant writers. Ultimately, the goal is to meet quarterly to work on joint economic development matters.



RCS Community Business Association

PO Box 163

Ravena, NY 12143

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